Chill Baby Productions
Reborn is an Urban Fantasy story about genetically engineered super soldiers that learn to break the
chains of their pasts and defy fate.
The story is told through the eyes of at least two different characters while in modern-day
Florida. Annalise Grada is a normal, Florida girl working her way to become a Veterinarian. Alvin is a
genetically created super-soldier. After escaping the facility that created him twenty years ago, Alvin
has been on the run ever since. 24 hours ago, he barely escaped an attack from one of his former
Annalise believes her biggest problem is dealing with her anger over a cheating ex-boyfriend,
that is until Alvin bumps into her in a coffee shop. He pulls a gun on her and fires, barely missing her
face in order to hit another super-soldier, one of Alvin’s old teammates, behind her. Their fates become
entangled as everyone in Annalise’s life has been lying to her about who they are, and who she is. They
must work together to stop the corrupt company that is creating these super-soldiers while avoiding
danger, deceit and drawing feelings of passion for one another.
An action-packed, urban fantasy book series practically written for the screen is now being converted into a unique new style of "Interactive TV" Jc Conklin (The Walking Dead, Quantico) has partnered up with the author to deliver a unique interactive show. Built using the powerful interactive content authoring capabilities of Near-Life ( YOU get to choose which character you want to see the story through. Do you like Annalise's love story? Click her episode and watch what she was doing the whole time. Prefer to see Alvin's action story? Click his episode and watch where he was instead.Take a darker approach and choose the antihero Dohrn. Become immersed when they interact!
Being involved in a television series has become a very popular part of tv viewing. But most of them are all "choose an experience and shape your story". Now imagine if the interactive opportunities were YOU getting to choose what character you will experience the whole episode from. The Hero, the Heroin, and the Villain's emotional journey unravel more intimately than ever in any show before. When you choose a character you will be inside their head hearing things you will never hear otherwise. And each character's journey looks different than the other. Most people only get to see life from their own eyes, until now. This could be that new binge-worthy show everyone talks about.
Every person is unique. We all have pasts that we have learned from, regrets that we hold on to, or
traumas that influence our actions. This is an opportunity to artistically show that perspective is key to
With 4 books in the series there is plenty of content, characters, and story perspective to keep this going for many seasons.And the ROI value from click per plays streaming services, each episode has 3 episodes worth of content. MARKET VALUE:
This will have an interactive menu where the viewer can choose their hero/perspective. Each version will depict someone else as the villain, yet tell the same story.
Audiobook versions are also being recorded. Reborn reached as high as #6 in the
Best Selling charts for Amazon Urban Fantasy.
As a viewer watches a version, they can #teamalvin or the like to create social buzz for the new format.